Explain the Unexplained: The Man Who Didn't Want to Live Past Sixty


Explain the Unexplained: The Man Who Didn't Want to Live Past Sixty

Those of you who read my blog know my stories are true. This one story shared with me by a friend took me back a bit, and I was shocked. He told me he worked many years in a factory with a man who frequently lunched with him and his friends. He said several years before the incident I will share with you, the man, we'll call him John, said, "I don't want to live past sixty years old."

My friend, Dave, said, "I thought what John said was odd because you know he didn't say, 'I will never live past sixty.' He said he didn't want to live past sixty."

Days passed, Dave said, and the same crew was again around the lunch table. Dave said John repeated the same thing. Again, the table fell silent. Dave said, "I couldn't stand it any longer, so I asked John why he kept saying he didn’t want to live past sixty when I felt life was a gift, and I couldn't understand why he'd make such a statement."

Then Dave said, John replied that his mother died at sixty, some of his kinfolk died at sixty, and he didn't want to live past sixty. Dave continued speaking, "Damnedest thing I ever heard. John didn't explain why he thought that. He showed up for work every day and had for years. He was a good hand in the factory and would do anything for you, but he often made that stupid statement. The guys and I thought a lot of John, but we got tired of hearing him say the same thing every week or so."

One day, one of the guys at the lunch table asked John, 'So when are you retiring?' John replied, 'I will never live to retire. I don't want to live past sixty.' Again, a gasp was heard around the table, and a few guys got up from the table, tossed their lunch in a nearby trashcan in disgust, and walked out of the lunchroom.

Seven years later, on a Wednesday, two days before John's birthday, he announced to the lunch table of friends, "Friday I will turn sixty years old." The guys laughed; some elbowed him in a gesture like on his shoulder and said, Guess you are going to live past sixty anyway, huh, buddy? And John just smiled, got up, and left the room.

Thursday came, and John was at work as usual. Friday came, and John, who had never missed a day's work in seventeen years, was not at work or the lunch table and MIA to the team. Later Friday afternoon, the foreman entered the break room and announced, "I have some sad news for you guys. This morning, John shot and killed himself."

You could have heard a pin drop. Then one fellow said, "He never said he was sick or might get cancer and die. He just always for years said, 'he never wanted to live past sixty.'" Dave told me, "His fellow workers and I cannot understand it. Who does that and why? Did he preprogram himself? Why would he keep saying that all those years and kill himself? He had a wife, a couple of kids, a family."

Understanding the Unexplainable

John's story is deeply unsettling, a stark illustration of the complexities of the human mind and the power of belief. While we can't definitively explain John's actions, we can explore some possible factors that may have contributed to his tragic decision.

The Weight of Family History

John's statement about his mother and other relatives dying at sixty suggests a strong belief in a familial pattern of early death. Whether this was based on actual medical history or a more superstitious interpretation, it profoundly impacted his worldview. He may have internalized this belief to the point where it became a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Fear of Aging and Decline

John's repeated assertion that he didn't want to live past sixty may reflect a deep-seated fear of aging, illness, and losing independence. He might have envisioned a future of physical and mental decline, and the prospect of such a life was so unbearable that he chose to end it on his terms.

The Power of Suggestion and Self-Programming

By constantly verbalizing his intention not to live past sixty, John may have inadvertently programmed his subconscious mind to accept this as an inevitable outcome. The power of suggestion, especially when repeated over a long period, can be extreme. It's possible that John's words, even if initially meant as a casual expression of fear, gradually solidified into a fixed belief that ultimately led to his actions.

Unexpressed Mental Health Struggles

While John appeared to be a dedicated worker and friend, his unwavering focus on dying at sixty could be a sign of underlying mental health issues, such as depression or anxiety. It's possible that he was struggling with a sense of hopelessness or a lack of purpose, and his fixation on a specific age served as a coping mechanism or a way to exert control over his life.

The Importance of Seeking Help

John's story highlights the critical importance of addressing mental health concerns and seeking professional help when needed. If you or someone you know is struggling with thoughts of suicide or self-harm, please reach out to a crisis hotline or mental health professional. Remember, you are not alone, and there is help available.

In Conclusion

While we may never fully understand the reasons behind John's tragic decision, his story serves as a poignant reminder of the complexities of the human mind and the power of our beliefs. It underscores the importance of open communication, mental health awareness, and seeking help when needed. Let us strive to create a world where individuals feel comfortable sharing their struggles and where support is readily available to those who need it.


The information provided in this blog is for general informational purposes only and does not constitute professional advice. The story shared here is based on a personal account and should not be interpreted as medical, psychological, or expert guidance.

While the story aims to raise awareness about mental health and the complexities of human behavior, it is essential to consult qualified professionals for any concerns related to mental well-being or suicidal ideation.

The author and publisher of this blog do not assume any responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of the information provided. Any reliance you place on such information is strictly at your own risk.

If you or someone you know is struggling with mental health issues or thoughts of suicide, please seek professional help immediately. Remember, there is support available, and you are not alone.
