Escaping the Shadows: How to Thrive in the Face of Negative-Dark Energy

 Escaping the Shadows 
How to Thrive in the Face of Negative-Dark Energy

We've all encountered those individuals who seem perpetually stuck in a raincloud. They see only problems and complain constantly, and their pessimism can feel contagious. If you've ever felt your mood plummet after interacting with such a person, you know firsthand the power of negative dark energy.

The effect of dark energy hit me hard. A person close to me piled it on, and I, an optimistic, white-energy personality, was overwhelmed by the dark energy coming from this person. The stress from the association threw my heart out of rhythm. It was noticeable to me, as I’d recently had a full four-hour cardio workup (because heart problems run in my family). At my consultation, I was informed, “No blockage anywhere, arteries clear, heart valves great.”

So, to suddenly realize I was in an induced state of high stress and had developed “Atrial Fibrillation” was shocking to me: heart racing, pulse 101, heart out of rhythm, weak, sweaty, and shaky. This lasted the next day and did not stop until ten hours later. Atrial Fibrillation can lead to heart attacks or stroke. The situation prompted me to write this blog.

Stress can kill you. People with negative, dark energy create high-stress levels that can kill you.

It is NEVER OK to allow people with this personality trait to take away your white energy and your positive outlook on life or rob you of feeling good about yourself or others. It would be best to distance these people from your life or go down with them. It’s wrong! And I CALL IT OUT WHERE I SEE IT! PERIOD!

Can exposure to a person or persons with dark or negative energy make you ill, from the stress it creates in you to Atrial fibrillation?

Stress, regardless of the source, can contribute to health problems, including cardiovascular issues like atrial fibrillation, heart attack, or stroke. While there is no scientific evidence to support the concept of "dark" or "negative energy" causing illness directly, being around people who are consistently negative, hostile, or draining can indeed create significant stress.

Chronic stress has been linked to a range of health problems, including high blood pressure, increased heart rate, and inflammation, all of which can contribute to cardiovascular disease. However, it is essential to note that this is a complex issue with many contributing factors, and attributing any health issue solely to the "negative energy" of others is an oversimplification.

The concept of “dark energy” and “white energy” personalities seems to (metaphorically) describe different personality traits or energies that people may exhibit. In various interpretations, “dark energy” can refer to traits such as introspection, resilience, intuition, and transformation, often associated with depth and mystery. On the other hand, “white energy” is often described as embodying purity, compassion, empathy, and a solid moral compass.

Well, lose the “metaphorically” speaking when the dark-white energy collides (as in my situation), and the transformation ensues.

When these energies “collide,” it could symbolize the interaction between individuals with contrasting personality traits. This could lead to a dynamic relationship where each personality type brings something unique, potentially complementing or challenging the other. It’s a poetic way of looking at human interactions and the complex interplay of each person's characteristics.

The Toxicity of Negativity

I remember a woman I once knew who woke up each morning with a zest for life, embracing the simple joys of birdsong and sunshine.  One morning, her husband met her usual enthusiasm with a cynical "What have you got to be so damn happy about?" The woman's spirits were crushed, and her positive outlook was shattered.

A year later, she was a different person—radiant and full of life.  She had divorced her husband, releasing herself from the grip of his negativity. It was a powerful reminder that negative energy isn't just harmful to the person harboring it; it's like a toxic cloud that pollutes the atmosphere for everyone nearby.

The Ripple Effect of Your Energy

Negative energy from anger, bitterness, or resentment can fester and spread like wildfire. It affects your well-being and seeps into your interactions with others. This isn't just about feel-good platitudes; it's about the fundamental law of karma—what you put out into the world comes back to you.

Suppose you are concerned about the impact of stress on your health. In that case, speaking with a healthcare professional who can assess your situation and provide appropriate guidance and treatment is essential.

Shielding Your Positive Light

So, what can you do when faced with negativity?

Limit Exposure: If you can avoid people who drain your energy, do it. At work, keep interactions professional and brief. With family, be kind but maintain healthy boundaries.

Protect Your Inner Peace: Don't let their negativity steal your joy. Visualize a protective shield around you, deflecting their negativity while preserving your positive energy.

Cultivate Positivity:  Surround yourself with uplifting people and activities. Invest in hobbies that bring you joy, spend time in nature, and practice gratitude.

Practice Compassion:  Remember that negative people often battle their inner demons. While you shouldn't let them drag you down, try to understand where their negativity comes from.

Overcoming Darkness

Are you feeling overwhelmed by negativity? Remember, even a tiny light can pierce the darkest room. Focus on gratitude, self-care, and positive connections. You’re stronger than you think.

This discussion acknowledges that "dark" or "negative energy" is not scientifically validated. However, it is essential to rely on evidence-based information when making health decisions.


Your energy is precious. Don't let anyone dim your light. Understanding the impact of negative energy and taking steps to protect yourself can create a more positive, fulfilling life for yourself and those you encounter. Remember, you can choose joy, even when surrounded by darkness.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this discussion is for educational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.
