Some Fathers talk the talk but cannot walk the walk.

Some Fathers see only through eyes narrowed by their limited vision.

Some Fathers hear but do not listen.

Some Fathers touch but cannot display love.

Some Fathers possess a tremendous ability to walk the walk, see possibilities, and listen for opportunities to help children while instilling by example what a father should be.

Some fathers reach out to their and others' children and touch them all with unconditional love and acceptance.

Some fathers often turn the other cheek, remain silent to make their point, and forge ahead undeterred.

Some fathers manage to bring out the best in those whose lives they touch.

Some fathers are not like other fathers. They capture hearts and shape and strengthen lives.

Some fathers are rare gems in an ocean of fathers.

                                                                         _Cecilia Payne Kat  Kaelin


The statement "Some fathers talk the talk but cannot walk the walk" implies criticism of fathers who preach certain values or behaviors but fail to embody them in their actions. This sets the stage for a broader reflection on different types of fathers and their impact on their children.

The subsequent lines elaborate on this theme, contrasting fathers who have a limited perspective, lack empathy and struggle to express love with those who are exemplary role models, demonstrating integrity, compassion, and unwavering support.

The phrase "Some fathers see only through eyes narrowed by their limited vision" suggests that some fathers are short-sighted and unable to see the bigger picture or understand their children's needs. This could be due to various factors, such as personal biases, lack of experience, or simply not taking the time to truly connect with their children.

The line "Some fathers hear but do not listen" highlights the importance of active listening in parenting. Some fathers may hear their children's words but fail to truly understand their emotions or the underlying message they are trying to convey. This can lead to misunderstandings and a sense of disconnection between father and child.

"Some fathers touch but cannot display love" emphasizes that physical affection alone is not enough to express love. Some fathers may hug or kiss their children but fail to show genuine warmth, affection, or emotional support. This can leave children feeling unloved and unappreciated.

In contrast, the next set of lines celebrates fathers actively involved in their children's lives, providing guidance, encouragement, and unconditional love. These fathers "walk the walk," meaning they talk about good values and live by them. They "see possibilities" in their children and help them reach their full potential. They "listen for opportunities" to help their children grow and learn through direct instruction and by setting a positive example.

The phrase "Some fathers reach out to their and others' children and touch them all with unconditional love and acceptance" highlights the importance of extending love and support beyond one's family. These fathers recognize that all children need love and acceptance, regardless of their background or circumstances.

The lines "Some fathers often turn the other cheek, remain silent to make their point, and forge ahead undeterred" speak to the resilience and determination of some fathers. They may face challenges or opposition but remain steadfast in their commitment to their children and values.

The final lines celebrate fathers' unique and invaluable role in shaping their children's lives. They "capture hearts" with their love and affection, "shape" their children's values and beliefs, and "strengthen" their character and resilience. These fathers are "rare gems" who leave a lasting impact on their children and the world around them.

Happy Father’s Day to All Fathers!
