Character: Never a Time When Human Behavior Was Greater

 Character: Never a Time When Human Behavior Was Greater

Character – it's the elusive core of who we are. It isn't something we're born with, yet it shapes every aspect of our lives.  So, when we examine human behavior, we dive into the depths of character.

The Building Blocks of Character

Character encompasses our moral compass, ethics, social attitudes, and an underlying sense of right and wrong. It's a complex tapestry woven over time with threads of experience, guidance, and conscious choices.

The most critical element of character is inner control. This isn't simply suppressing urges. It's the active force guiding our thoughts, responses, and behaviors. The voice whispers, "Hold up," when we're about to make a questionable choice.

The Journey, Not the Birthright

We can't analyze characters under a microscope. We don't inherit it. It's a journey we must embark on. Early on, we learn the societal norms for navigating our world. We begin to distinguish between acceptable behavior and actions that cause harm. In this delicate stage, the seeds of right and wrong are sown.

Unfortunately, some individuals never develop that vital inner watchdog. Their wires get crossed. They lack the self-awareness to recognize when their actions deviate from what's good and just.  Without guilt or internal conflict, such individuals continue down a destructive path.  And because of their charisma or positions of power, others may follow.

Nurturing Conscience: A Critical Mission

Think of your conscience as both a compass pointing towards integrity and an alarm system signaling when you are off course. A strong conscience is like an inner superhero who stops you from acting against your values.

How do we cultivate this vital inner voice?

Role Models Matter. Children watch adults, soaking up their behaviors like sponges. Consistent role models demonstrating kindness, empathy, and respect lay the foundation for solid character development.

Open Discussion: Encourage children to think critically about actions and their consequences. Discuss moral dilemmas and allow them to explore their own values system.

Accountability & Reflection: Mistakes are part of the learning process. Help children understand that when they do wrong, acknowledging their error and making amends is how the character grows.

The Consequences of Weak Character

When individuals lack a strong inner compass, the consequences ripple outward. We see it in:

Broken trust:  Unreliable or unethical behavior erodes the fabric of personal and professional relationships.

Social Decay:  When a critical mass behaves without regard for others, it weakens the foundation of communities and societies.

The Normalization of Harm: Over time, an absence of conscience can lead to desensitization, where once shocking behavior becomes commonplace.

Our Time, Our Responsibility

Thinking of past eras with some golden age of impeccable character is tempting. Historical records reveal this is far from true. However, in today's instant communication world, the impact of weak characters is amplified at an unprecedented rate.

The good news is that the power to shape character also lies within our hands. We may not be able to change the world overnight, but we have a profound role in our immediate circles:

Be the Example: Live by what you believe in. Let your actions speak louder than words, especially when younger generations watch.

Mentor & Guide: Share your experiences and the lessons you've learned along the way.

Hold the Line: Refuse to normalize lousy behavior, even when it's inconvenient.

Character isn't static – it’s a muscle we exercise daily. We constantly choose to strengthen our inner voice or let it atrophy. In a world desperately needing integrity, there is no more significant time than the present to focus on the urgency of character development.

Here are some powerful examples from history where character, ethics, and moral judgment were pushed to their limits:

Individuals Facing Injustice

Rosa Parks and the Montgomery Bus Boycott: When Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat on a bus to a white man, she wasn't just tired. Her act was a defiant stand for dignity and equality, igniting a movement that challenged the ethics of segregation.

Nelson Mandela's fight against apartheid: Mandela's decades-long imprisonment and unwavering commitment to ending racial oppression in South Africa demonstrated immense strength of character and a staunch belief in justice despite incredible personal sacrifice.

Sophie Scholl and the White Rose Resistance: These young German students distributed anti-Nazi leaflets at the height of World War II. Their acts of resistance, even knowing it might lead to execution, highlight extraordinary courage and the power of standing up against tyranny.

Leaders Under Pressure

Abraham Lincoln and the American Civil War: Lincoln's leadership during the Civil War exemplified his unwavering commitment to ending slavery, even as the conflict tore the nation apart. It tested his moral fortitude and belief in preserving the Union.

Winston Churchill during World War II: Churchill's defiant stance against Nazi Germany and his inspiring leadership rallied the British people in their darkest hour. His choices were fraught with moral dilemmas, yet his sense of purpose remained clear.

Leaders of the Civil Rights Movement: Figures like Martin Luther King Jr. faced immense challenges, from violence to political opposition, while leading the fight for racial justice in the United States. Their courage and adherence to non-violence exemplify high ethical standards in the face of brutality.

Everyday People with Extraordinary Choices

Dietrich Bonhoeffer: This German theologian actively plotted against the Nazi regime and was eventually executed for his resistance. His actions show how, even in extreme circumstances, individuals can be compelled by conscience to make difficult choices.

Oskar Schindler: A German businessman who saved hundreds of Jewish lives during the Holocaust by employing them in his factory. His actions demonstrate that compassion and moral courage can exist even within a system of extreme evil.

Throughout history, whistleblowers have risked careers or even freedom to expose corruption and wrongdoing. Their actions show a commitment to truth and accountability, often at significant personal cost.

Please Note: These are just a few examples. History is rife with countless situations in which people from all walks of life grappled with ethical dilemmas, sacrificed for their beliefs, and ultimately shaped the course of events because of their character.
