Beyond Athlete's Foot: How a Simple Remedy Transformed My Son's Toenails


Beyond Athlete's Foot

How a Simple Remedy Transformed My Son's Toenails

Thanks to my daughter's keen eye, the bacterial breakthrough changed everything when fungal treatments failed.

My son returned from military service with more than just memories. He brought home a stubborn foot condition that plagued him for 25 long years. Discolored, unhealthy toenails – the telltale signs of athlete's foot – resisted everything the podiatrist threw at them.

The Frustration:

We tried every antifungal cream, spray, and prescription imaginable. We diligently followed the podiatrist's advice for 15 of those 25 years, but those stubborn toenails refused to change. Watching my son struggle was immense frustration for me and for him.


The frustration was about more than just the way his feet looked. My son, who was always active and social in his earlier years, started withdrawing. Sandals were out of the question, and I even noticed him avoiding pool parties with his friends. The weight of this seemingly minor issue was crushing his spirit.

A Glimmer of Hope:

Then, my daughter stumbled upon an article. It suggested that some stubborn toenail conditions resembling an athlete's foot might have a bacterial cause. We were skeptical, of course, but after so many years, we were also clinging to any shred of hope.

The Simple Remedy:

The article proposed a surprisingly simple remedy.

Warm Foot Soaks: A basin of warm water mixed with three tablespoons of baking soda. Soak feet for 15-20 minutes.

Thorough Drying: It's crucial to completely dry feet after soaking, especially between the toes.

Antibacterial Ointment: Apply liberally to all affected toenails and surrounding skin. To apply, a horsehair artist brush works best.

The Astonishing Results

We didn't expect much, but we saw a change within a day, which amazed us! The nail beds started to regain a healthier color. A week later, the improvement was undeniable.

A Word of Caution (Important!)

While this remedy worked wonders for my son, it's important to remember that not every case of discolored toenails is bacterial. It's always best to consult with a podiatrist or dermatologist to get a proper diagnosis. They'll help determine the best course of treatment for your specific situation.

NOTE: Your host tried an antibacterial ointment on a stubborn nail fungus on one of my fingernails, which was contacted at a nail salon. After two weeks of no cure, though I applied a recommended “nail cure” product, I tried the antibacterial ointment. I saw results in 24 hours. The nail bed looked pink in three days, and the new fingernail began growing back.

Have you or a loved one experienced a similar toenail issue? Share your stories and what worked for you in the comments below!
